Saturday, May 29, 2010

Russell Brand a werewolf?

Indeed if I had anything to do with it. I've already cast him (mentally) in the role as my *ahem* newest werewolf in Cyn No More provided my books are ever made into a movie (which they won't be but that doesn't keep me from playing) and I have a choice on who gets to play who. For those who've read my books (the one or two of you who realize that books don't have to be with a big powerhouse publisher to be good or available) the werewolf's name begins with "J" and that's all I'm saying. ;D


  1. LOL He won't have to act. His lines will be limited to werewolf 3rd person. I'd say that makes him perfect for the part (that will never actually be a part because there will actually never be a movie because first you have to like sell your book to everyone in the world without being able to get to them. HA!!!)

    Yes. I'm on a roll. LOL ;D

  2. I can't invision him as a werewolf at all. I seem as playing a Tim Burtonesque monster.
