Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Did you know . . . ?

DID YOU KNOW that no site that advertises they have my books, either Never Ceese or Electric Angel or the soon to be released Black Bed Sheet version of Forever Richard, can actually sell my books for less than what my publisher can sell them for? Nor can any site be competitive with the other. They all get the standard discount. If they list the book for less, you will pay the difference in shipping. If they offer free shipping, they will up the price of the book. There's absolutely no benefit to buying my books from anyone other than:

DID YOU KNOW that you will never find an e-book copy of the Black Bed Sheet version of Never Ceese or Electric Angel listed anywhere EXCEPT at Black Bed Sheet Books where you can get a non-Amazon, non-Smashwords KINDLE or a non-B&N Nook? That's right. Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes & Noble ALL allow for the e-books they list to be given away for free through their nifty lending library WITHOUT the publisher's permission. Smashwords does so by allowing B&N to list an e-book if it meets certain easily obtainable requirements. Black Bed Sheet e-books are instantly downloadable and oftentimes filled with nifty extras! ;) And you can also read a sample chapter to make sure it's of the quality you expect before you purchase. So there's no point in looking anywhere other than at:

Black Bed Sheet Books

DID YOU KNOW that no large-chain bookstore, and specifically Barnes & Noble, will order a copy of Never Ceese or Electric Angel for their store even though I've been short-listed for a Bram Stoker Award in one instance and long-listed for a British Fantasy Award in another instance, have had wonderful, resounding reviews from best-selling authors and from some of the best fans in the world? Nope. They won't order any book for their store if a publisher doesn't make their books returnable according to an "industry" standard return policy designed to save failing bookstores during the depression. A return policy that was never designed to work for small publishers and barely works for large publishers anymore. You can order my books through the large bookstores all day long though. However, they don't get any more of a discount than anyone else. So absolutely no reason to buy anywhere else than straight from my publisher at:

DID YOU KNOW that because I have so many readers from one particular targeted market of Christians that I had my books approved by Spring Arbor so those targeted "Christian" bookstores could carry my books as Spring Arbor suggested they would? Didn't work though. Large "Christian" bookstores only order books for their store that they feel doesn't offend their target market. Not only will they not order my books, even though they've been approved, but if someone orders it through them, the book is sent straight to the customers home and the customer has to pay shipping. So I had my books unapproved as I don't play that! Again, just another reason to purchase my books at:

that even if I write something here today that inspires you to go straight to my publisher and order my books and you do so in mass and even in numbers greater than any best-selling author as sold books before, I'll not make the New York Times best-sellers list as that list is compiled only of books that sell to bookstores and not customers? And guess who won't buy my books for their store? That's right, large bookstores and most Independent stores only do so on consignment and in small numbers because they can't afford to do anything else. So PLEASE, for the love of GOD and all that is right and good, or all that is bad and evil whichever is your preference, DO NOT BUY MY BOOKS ANYWHERE OTHER THAN FROM:

DID YOU KNOW that so far I've lost more money than I could ever hope to make back because none of y'all believe the publishing industry is the way I say it is. Can't afford to lose much more. If you don't move fast and buy my damn books you're going to be stuck reading authors such as Meyer and Rowling for the rest of your days. If nothing else that nightmare scenario should spark you into action. At least 75% of the publishing world is made up of Small Published Authors. It stands to reason that this is where some of the best authors are as well. Wouldn't it be neat if you could actually get their books and Small Publishers and authors could actually make money selling them? Think about that when you go to bed at night and happy nightmares.

1 comment:

  1. I DID NOT know all those things. Crum!
    Well, you sold me. I bought Never Ceese right from this page.
