Monday, June 4, 2012

My point exactly?

In the recent past I posted a blog about how I dislike sites such as Amazon and GoodReads or any site that encourages folks to "leave reviews." And I explained why, which I'll do once more for the sake of this blog entry. Because it's too easy for anyone to "get off" by bashing and or trashing. And sometimes it's actually the author that gets bashed or trashed.

HOWEVER, my concern is not that this happens on a regular basis. My concern is that an author wouldn't knowingly open themselves up to this crap (at least not this author.) When my books started showing up on Goodreads I initially smiled. When I saw some of the carnage and drama going on with other author's books etc . . . I said, "well hell no, this is a disaster." I attempted to have my books removed from GRs but learned that this isn't possible. 


That's right. The second you or your publisher put a book out there with an ISBN (a number big publishers and their bookstores used to track sales) the book AUTOMATICALLY goes on Amazon and B&N ONLINE. GRs and most any other review site I know of pulls from Amazon mostly for their book information when Bowker is the official book information site. Amazon doesn't pull from Bowker. They pull from the publisher's distributor should the publisher have a distributor. 

SOOOOOO, bottom line is, you get to be a part of the out of control drama on ALL these sites once you put that ISBN number on your book. Being listed on Amazon and B&N on-line  is a "perk" according to Bowker, for purchasing your block of ISBN's. I don't see how that can be a perk when Amazon notoriously lists "wrong" book information and doesn't even go to Bowker to get the correct information. Where are they going to get the book information once Indie presses decide that distributors aren't working out for them? The publisher? Wow. What a novel concept.

For the record, if anyone wants to leave a review--a legitimate review about why they found my books worthy of talking about, I encourage you to do so at the Black Bed Sheet store at the: 

Black Bed Sheet Book Store 

This blog was inspired by a GR reviewer (who is also a VERY good friend,) who emailed me to let me know that one of the comments on my last GR's blog entry was from someone who'd been kicked off GR's for leaving what was finally determined to be inappropriate reviews and stalking folks.


That sort of makes my point, doesn't it? 

I don't invite that kind of trouble as a rule. I certainly don't appreciate being "automatically" thrown onto these sites just because I "had" to buy an ISBN number so on-line bookstores could track my work. 

"So why stay on GRs and sites like it then? After all, it is your choice."

I got an account on GR's because I saw my books listed there. When I realized I HAD no choice about whether they were listed or not, I deleted my account. But then GRs added the option to have blog's from your own posts show up on GRs and I decided that was a pretty sweet deal--all things considered. At least that way I could get accurate information about my work out there should anyone care. Other than that, I don't participate--but then, that's the only CHOICE I have with sites like GR's.  


  1. Ah, reviews! That big dirt sandwich from which any artist (writer, musician, actor or otherwise) from which we must all take a bite.

    I've pondered this question about "flaming" and ulterior motives in sites that permit reviews and at the end of the day I've decided not to hold any ire about it.

    Fact is, everybody has an opinion (and I don't think I need be derivative upon that fond phrase regarding reviews). If someone bashes you personally on a review, shrug it off. I think most intelligent readers won't pay such reviews any mind, particularly if they reviewed the author and not the actual book.

    Just eat a doughnut with your morning java and be happy, I always say! :)

  2. Oh, that's what I say too Jon. Donuts all around!!! I just don't appreciate the fact that I can't tell a site NOT to list my books. Nor do I appreciate that they don't even go to the "proper" place to get book information. Ah, it's a messed up system but hey, what system isn't I guess. ;D

    Gotta go. It's hard to type with a doughnut in your hand. HA!
