Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's past time for a revolution.

Please support all small published authors and self-published authors and don't shop at large chain bookstores such as, but not limited to, Barnes & Nobles. They no longer even humor small published or self-published authors. They don't allow them in for events and will definitely NOT put them on their shelves. There is absolutely nothing at any of these bookstores that you can't get anywhere else.

To Barnes & Nobles and the other few large bookstores chains still left (and operate this way)-- "Going under does not give you the right to be a bully. Small publishers and Self-published authors have only ever tried to help you. We can't do that if you choose to belief that over 75% of the publishing industry doesn't exist."At one time B&N used to order books from small publishers if they signed on to that non-working Industry standard return policy (designed for an "industry" that no longer exists as it was once defined.) But apparently they don't even do that anymore.

****Update Just to make sure my facts are straight I occasionally contact a rand B&N and ask them if they let authors in on consignment any more. The store I contacted said, "No. I have to be able to return your books." I said, "I understand that but you mean return as in the "industry standard return policy" that doesn't work for most publishers. She replied, "I just have to be able to return your books to the distributor." B&N does not distinguish between a return policy that works for All publishers and an antiquated one that barely even works for their large publishers anymore. I told her my books are returnable just not by the antiquated industry standard return policy. Yeah. You guessed it, no go! Another heads up--I told her several small publishers I know do make their books returnable according to that antiquated return policy and can no longer get in themselves, so I was just checking. "They just have to be returnable." Poor CRM sounded like a broken record. Repeating the same thing over and over. Not answering any questions. So sad. Update over.****


  1. I have a book published by a small publishing house. To get it into the big-box bookstores, we'd end up paying them out of pocket--the book distribution system is highway robbery.

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