Today we have added a new feature, AMAZON AUTHOR RANK, the definitive list of best-selling authors on
This list makes it easy for readers to discover the best-selling authors on overall and within a selection of major genres. Amazon Author Rank is your rank based on the sales of all of your books on Just like Amazon Best Sellers, it is updated hourly.
The top 100 authors overall and the top 100 in selected genres will be displayed on You can see your Amazon Author Rank trended over time in Author Central.
You can find your Amazon Author Rank in Author Central under the Rank tab. Historical rank data is available from September 28, 2012. We’re always interested in feedback, so please let us know what you think.
THE AUTHOR CENTRAL TEAMJust so y'all know, being a best-seller on Amazon isn't reflective of the quality of the book or what readers are purchasing. So far there's no way to determine what readers are buying. There never has been. Best-selling status by the New York Times is determined by how many books sell to bookstores.
Of course, the only publishers large bookstores buy from in bulk are the larger established publishers who now only make up a small percentage of legitimate publishers. The title best-selling author has run its course.
Give it a rest already.
I don't aspire to be a best-selling author at Amazon or at any other on-line reseller site. I do encourage folks to buy straight from the publisher. Since distribution for small publishers is vastly different than distribution for larger publishers, buying straight from the publisher is the ONLY way for readers to get the best deal and for authors and publishers to get the best deal as well.
My publisher's site: Also I don't sell kindles on Amazon and never will. But you can get all e-book versions through my publisher . . . including kindle.
Also, I in no way claim to accurately know anything about the "real" publishing industry just in case anyone wants to say that I don't know what I'm talking about. In regards to the "real" publishing industry, I'm sure I don't know what I'm talking about. So don't put any stock in my words. What I do know and what I do share are the facts from my own personal experiences.
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