Thursday, October 18, 2012

Please Purchase My Books Via My Publisher

I'm not sure what drives authors whose books are for sale by their publisher, to push folks to Amazon to purchase their product. But I'm here to tell you that in the case with my books, if you purchase through anyone BUT my publisher, you won't get the best price. 

Everyone but the large publishers use the same method of distribution. POD distributors. Amazon and sites like Amazon can't offer anyone a better price than the publisher can if the publisher sells books through their site. Of course, the publisher can sale the book for more if they want to but rest assured they can match Amazon's price all day long and most publisher's who do sell their author's books through their site list them for less. 

Also, Amazon and sites like Amazon don't even go to the publisher or their distributor for book information. They usually pull this information out of their ahem "backsides" most of the time. Sorry but it's true and none of these sites will talk to the publisher when the publisher attempts to get a hold of them to change it. They'll simply respond with, "talk to your publisher." LOLROFL Amazon is notorious about responding in this manner even when they're communicating with the publisher. Amazon . . . you so make me laugh! 

Anyhoo, my publisher's site is http:/ 

For Electric Angel the link is: Electric Angel
For Never Ceese the link is: Never Ceese
For Forever Richard the link is: Forever Richard

Also, if you list my book for sale please DON'T put Amazon down as the place to purchase it. Send them to my publisher's site. Thank-you. 

Having said that let me assure you none of the sites such as GOOD READS will change the link on where to purchase my books because A. Goodreads used to be connected with Amazon and so I guess they feel an alliance of sorts and B. Good Reads doesn't listen to the publisher of the book anymore than Amazon. 

Also Good Reads, even though I'm not a Good Reads author and never will be again, constantly post items from my blog here even though I've told them I've no interest in showing up on their site. They don't have my permission and yet it doesn't seem to matter. So if you're reading this blog post on Good Reads do know that you shouldn't be and I don't appreciate Good Reads lack of regard--for what it's worth.

1 comment:

  1. They're syndicating your blog without your permission? I believe that's called Copyright Infringement. Give em H-E-double hockey sticks, Sue!
